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Here you will find information and products to help you learn and implement Juicing into your lifestyle.  We have a section on Juicers, Juicing Tools, and another section with books and recipes.

Why do people Juice or how do you know if you would benefit from it or not?  Fruits and vegetables are essential to a healthy diet, but most people do not get enough fruits and vegetables in their daily diet!  An easy way to make sure that you get the recommended daily amount is to juice.  Do your research and make sure that Juicing isn’t the only way you are getting your fruits and veggies in!  Your body needs fiber as a part of it’s balanced diet.  Juicing is perfect for getting those fruits and veggies in that you don’t like to eat by themselves but want the nutritious value of it because you can find a recipe where you can mix a bunch of different fruits and vegetables together so that you don’t taste the ones you don’t like.